Divorce Mediation

Julie and Barbara advocate for the use of mediation in many of their cases as a means of reaching resolution.  Many divorcing couples want to minimize antagonism and conflict and avoid unnecessary costs as they separate their lives from one another. If these goals are important to you, and you want the opportunity to tailor a solution that fits the circumstances of your unique family, divorce mediation may be the right process for you and your spouse.

Mediation is a voluntary, confidential, flexible, and private process in which the mediator, a neutral party, facilitates settlement discussions between spouses.. The mediator explores the needs and goals of each person and possible solutions that address those needs and goals. Often, the parties are able to come up with solutions during mediation that were not apparent to them outside the process.

Unlike a judge or arbitrator, the mediator cannot dictate or require a resolution.  A settlement is reached only when both parties agree. If the couple agrees on a resolution, the mediator will prepare a written summary of the agreement which will serve as the basis for a formal legal agreement prepared by attorneys representing the parties.  The mediator may not provide legal advice to either party.  If the parties do not have their attorneys present during mediation, the mediator will advise them to consult with an attorney about their legal rights and responsibilities and to prepare any binding settlement documents if an agreement is reached.

Because mediation is more efficient and streamlined than litigation and traditional negotiation, it is possible to reach a resolution more quickly and with considerably less expense. Mediation also allows participants to craft a resolution that may not be available in court and is uniquely suited to their particular circumstances. Numerous studies have shown that when people find solutions to their own problems, their agreements are longer lasting and they feel greater satisfaction with the outcome than resolutions imposed by a court. For all of these reasons, more divorcing couples are choosing mediation and enjoying the benefits.

Mediation & Negotiation Articles

Benefits of Mediation

These are some of the benefits of mediation: Minimizes unnecessary conflict and stress Reduces costs and increases efficiency of the divorce process Encourages productive communication

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