Legal Disclaimer and Confidential Information Policy
Please do not use the supplied e-mail interface to send privileged or confidential information. Internet messages can be intercepted. Furthermore, our duties to existing and former clients require that we determine whether we have a conflict of interest before undertaking representation of a new client. We must observe certain formalities before agreeing to represent anyone in a particular matter. Until we complete that process, we cannot agree to maintain the confidentiality of information that we receive from you.
If you are contacting us about potential representation, please limit the initial message to your name, the names of the other persons or entities involved, and a brief description of the type of case or matter. By clicking ‘Send’ on our email form, you further agree that our review of any information you transmit to us will not preclude our firm from representing a party directly adverse to you and from using this information, even if the information is confidential.
No attorney-client relationship will be formed by sending us an e-mail via this website. No communication between you and Woodmansee & Szombatfalvy, PLLC, via this website should be interpreted as establishing an attorney-client relationship, nor should you consider any communications with us by letter, facsimile transmission, telephone, Internet, e-mail or otherwise, as privileged or confidential until we undertake to represent you.
No information contained in this web site should be construed as legal advice. This entire website is intended to be informative and utilized as a tool to explain the types of services offered by the firm and is intended for general information and marketing purposes only.